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After all the disruption caused by Covid and the earth works we look forward to seeing you                   in 2024.

The rally is a self contained rally.  There is a fixed toilet block a dump point and water taps throughout the site.
The rally is an unpowered event and is CMCA approved.  Sorry no showers.

It will run for five days but participants can stay another six days for those who want to visit the Townsville 400 V8 race or want to explore the tourist attractions Townsville has to offer.

No registration required. Cost for the rally is $50 per vehicle. For those who want to stay longer $10 a day.                       This can be arranged on entry or during the rally.

Those who pay the eleven  days can enter the grounds after 1 PM on Wednesday.  $110

Check out the gallery to give you an indication of the activities and entertainment we offer you.
Live entertainment every night and activities during the day.  Open day on Saturday the 1st of July.

Food stalls, coffee and ice cream traders will be on site.Check out the gallery and read about our history. This year we celebrate 22 Years of Dam Fine Rally

For more information, please contact

Dam Fine Rally: P.O. Box 1293

Joyce Press: Ph 0415 917 100


22 Years of Dam Fine Rally

® 2021 Albert Schimmel

This area will not be available. Also the entertainment area is not level. There will be trucks going up and down all day long which poses a safety hazard.  We have searched everywhere for a suitable site but none available. This will be the fourth time the rally has been cancelled since  1999.

27 June

1 July

Open day

8AM to2.30PM
8AM Poets breakfast
9AM Markets and

Come Spend Time Amongst The Gum Trees